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Research Publications

Journal Articles

Cabbai, G., Racey, C., Simner, J., Dance, C., Ward, J., Forster, S. (2024) Sensory representations in primary visual cortex are not sufficient for subjective imagery. Current Biology, 34, 5073–5082.


Muir, A.B., Tribe, B., Forster, S. (2024) Creativity on tap? The effect of creativity anxiety under evaluative pressure. Creativity Research Journal, 1-10.


Cabbai, G., Dance, C., Dienes, Z., Simner, J., Forster, S., Lush, P. (2024) Investigating relationships between trait visual imagery and phenomenological control: the role of context effects. Collabra: Psychology, 10(1).


Cabbai, G., Racey, C., Simner, J., Dance, C., Ward, J., Forster, S. (2024). Sensory representations in primary visual cortex are not sufficient for subjective imagery. Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory.


Cabbai, G., Brown, C.R.H., Dance, C., Simner, J., Forster, S. (2023). Mental imagery and visual attentional templates: a dissociation. Cortex, 169:259-278.


Lunn, J., Berggren, N., Ward, J., & Forster, S. (2023). Irrelevant sights and sounds require spatial suppression: ERP evidence. Psychophysiology, e14181.


Brown, C. R., & Forster, S. (2022). Lapses in the person radar: ADHD symptoms predict difficulty in interpersonal distancing. Journal of Attention Disorders, 10870547221149200.


Forster, S., Lavie, N. (2021). Faces are not always special for attention: Effects of response relevance and identity. Vision Research. 189, 1-10.


Husain, L., Berggren, N., Remington, A., & Forster, S. (2021). Intact Goal-Driven Attentional Capture in Autistic Adults. Journal of Cognition, 4(1).


Morris, J., Yeomans, M. R., & Forster, S. (2020). Testing a load theory framework for food-related cognition. Journal of Experimental Psychology: General. 149(12), 2406–2421.


Morris, J., Thanh Vi, C., Obrist, M., Forster, S. & Yeomans, M. R.. (2020). Ingested but not perceived: response to satiety cues disrupted by perceptual load. Appetite, p.104813.


Morris, J., Ngai, M. Y. K., Yeomans, M. R., & Forster, S. (2020). A high perceptual load task reduces thoughts about chocolate, even while hungry. Appetite, p.104694.


Brown, C. R., Berggren, N., & Forster, S. (2020). Not Looking for Any Trouble? Purely Affective Attentional Settings Do Not Induce Goal-Driven Attentional Capture. Attention, Perception and Psychophysics. 82(3), 1150-1165.


Brown, C. R., Berggren, N., & Forster, S. (2020). Testing a goal-driven account of involuntary attentional capture by threat. Emotion. 20(4), 572–589.


Lunn, J., Sjoblom, A., Ward, J., Soto-Faraco, S., & Forster, S. (2019). Multisensory enhancement of attention depends on whether you are already paying attention. Cognition, 187, 38-49.


Forster, S., Spence, C. (2018). “What smell?” Temporarily loading visual attention induces a prolonged loss of olfactory awareness. Psychological Science. 29(10), p.1642-1652.


Brown, C.R.H.,  Forster, S.,  Duka, T. (2018). Goal-driven attentional bias towards appetitive and aversive smoking-related cues in nicotine dependent smokers. Drug and Alcohol Dependence. 190, p.209-215.


​Brown, C.R.H., Duka, T., Forster, S. (2018). Attentional capture by alcohol related stimuli may be activated involuntarily by top-down search goals. Psychopharmacology. In Press. doi: 10.1007/s00213-018-4906-8.


Lancaster, Claire, Forster, Sophie, Tabet, Naji and Rusted, Jennifer (2017) Putting attention in the spotlight: the influence of APOE genotype on visual search in mid adulthood. Behavioural Brain Research, 334. pp. 97-104. ISSN 0166-4328.


Nord, Camilla L, Forster, Sophie, Halahakoon, D. Chamith, Penton-Voak, Ian S, Munafò, Marcus R and Roiser, Jonathan P (2017) Prefrontal cortex stimulation does not affect emotional bias, but may slow emotion identification. Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience, 12 (5). pp. 839-847. ISSN 1749-5016.


Forster, Sophie and Lavie, Nilli (2016) Establishing the attention-distractibility trait. Psychological Science, 27 (2). pp. 203-212. ISSN 1467-9280.


Forster, S, Nunez Elizalde, A O, Castle, E and Bishop, S J (2015) Unraveling the anxious mind: anxiety, worry, and frontal engagement in sustained attention versus off-task processing. Cerebral Cortex, 25 (3). pp. 609-618. ISSN 1047-3211.


Forster, Sophie, Nunez-Elizalde, Anwar O, Castle, Elizabeth and Bishop, Sonia J (2014) Moderate threat causes longer lasting disruption to processing in anxious individuals. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 8. p. 626. ISSN 1662-5161.


Bijsterbosch, Janine, Smith, Stephen, Forster, Sophie, John, Oliver P and Bishop, Sonia J (2014) Resting state correlates of subdimensions of anxious affect. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 26 (4). p. 914-926. ISSN 0898-929X.


Forster, Sophie and Lavie, Nilli (2014) Distracted by your mind? Individual differences in distractibility predict mind wandering. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition, 40 (1). pp. 251-260. ISSN 0278-7393.


Forster, Sophie, Robertson, David J, Jennings, Alistair, Asherson, Philip and Lavie, Nilli (2014) Plugging the attention deficit: perceptual load counters increased distraction in ADHD. Neuropsychology, 28 (1). pp. 91-97. ISSN 0894-4105.


Forster, Sophie (2013) Distraction and mind-wandering under load. Frontiers in Psychology, 4. p. 283. ISSN 1664-1078.


Forster, Sophie and Lavie, Nilli (2011) Entirely irrelevant distractors can capture and captivate attention. Psychonomic Bulletin & Review, 18 (6). pp. 1064-1070. ISSN 1531-5320.


Forster, Sophie and Lavie, Nilli (2009) Harnessing the wandering mind: the role of perceptual load. Cognition, 111 (3). pp. 345-355. ISSN 0010-0277.


Forster, Sophie and Lavie, Nilli (2008) Failures to ignore entirely irrelevant distractors: the role of load. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Applied, 14 (1). pp. 73-83. ISSN 1076-898X.


Forster, Sophie and Lavie, Nilli (2008) Attentional capture by entirely irrelevant distractors. Visual Cognition, 16 (2-3). pp. 200-214. ISSN 1350-6285.


Forster, Sophie and Lavie, Nilli (2007) High perceptual load makes everybody equal: eliminating individual differences in distractibility with load. Psychological Science, 18 (5). pp. 377-381. ISSN 0956-7976.



Books and Book sections

Bishop, Sonia and Forster, Sophie (2013) Trait anxiety, neuroticism and the brain basis of vulnerability to affective disorder. In: Armony, Jorge and Vuilleumier, Patrik (eds.) The Cambridge handbook of human affective neuroscience. Cambridge University Press. ISBN 9781107001114

School of Psychology,

Pevensey Building,

University of Sussex,




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